Remote EMDR

Heal Your Mind... Heal Your Body

Why choose remote EMDR?

EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a highly effective trauma-release method used in traditional therapy settings to help people of all ages to heal PTSD, grief, abuse, depression/anxiety, chronic stress, and more. No matter whether you or a loved one is suffering from a mental health problem, emotional issues, or even a physical health problem, EMDR can help. 

This tool is made not only for people suffering from mental health problems, but for anyone with any health problem; people who are working with sick loved ones can also benefit from using EMDR to regulate their emotional and mental state. Healing is a journey for everyone involved, and it’s important to have tools like EMDR to support you along the way to recovery.

6 Month Pass

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$ 89
Every 6 Months
  • Gain 6 months of uninterrupted access to Remote EMDR
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Pay once, access forever!
$ 100
One Time Charge
  • Get full access to our Remote EMDR tool FOREVER!
  • List Item #2
  • 3-day free trial


Pay monthly, cancel anytime.
$ 18
  • 1 month of full access to Remove EMDR
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  • 3-day free trial

How can EMDR help you?

At Alive-N-Healthy, we believe that it’s essential to heal the mind in order to heal the body. That’s why we decided to create the Remote EMDR tool: to offer real people the real solutions that they can use to heal on all levels. 

Indeed, it’s a fact that well-established systems of medicine like Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and homeopathy operate on the notion that the mind and body work as one: if one is sick or ailing, the other is too. EMDR is a tool that directly works to unite the right brain and left brain in order to regulate the nervous system, thus helping bring equilibrium to not only the mind and emotions, but also the entire body.